Why should I join the NHFT?We want to ensure that every teacher has access to relevant information about union membership. Click here to read about union membership, joining the NHFT, and union member privileges.
What are my Weingarten Rights?It is important for all union members to review and understand their rights. Click here to read an explanation of your Weingarten Rights from AFT Connecticut.
What step am I on?
How do I view my payroll and tax information? How do I access MUNIS?The MUNIS ESS (Employee Self Service) online system allows employees to view their payroll and tax information.
If you have never used MUNIS before, or if you would like a detailed overview of the features available on MUNIS, please see the Employee Self-Service document here. How do I understand the items and abbreviations on my pay stub?Please see NHFT 933's Guide to Accessing and Understanding Your Pay Stub for clarification about your pay stub.
I moved. How should I change my address?First, log in to the MUNIS ESS (Employee Self Service) online system. On the right, click on "Personal Information." Then, click "Contact." Lastly, click "Edit" or "Add New" address.
Why is renewing my CT Educator Certification important?Connecticut requires educators to renew their certificates, and to keep track of when to renew them. Read more about certificate renewal on the state bureau of certification website here. As noted on the site, it is important to submit your certification renewals early. Allow approximately 2-3 months for processing after submitting your application. Once all required documentation has been received, determination of eligibility may take several months.
Make sure your information is updated and complete by creating a State Department of Education certification account. If you already have a certification account, you can log in to check or update your information here. Lastly, you can update information via email at [email protected]. Do not allow your certification to expire. You cannot work without certification. Even if you do not have the complete fee needed to renew, send the $50 application fee with your renewal paperwork. I’m not getting union emails on my Outlook (new-haven.k12.ct.us) email. What should I do?The NHFT sends teachers important emails via Outlook (new-haven.k12.ct.us). If you aren’t getting union emails on the “Teachers All” list, email the NHPS helpdesk at: [email protected]. Ask to be added to the “Teachers All” list.
I’m not getting union emails on my personal email. What should I do?Let you steward know first and make sure they have your correct email address. Then, email Leslie at the Union Office - [email protected].
How do I get a key card/ID?The office is open everyday from 7am-3pm. Room 514, 5th floor, 54 Meadow Street.
Who is my union steward?Find your union steward on this page.
I’m resigning, and my admin said they can hold me for 30 days. Do I have to stay?No. New Haven does not have a 30 day hold clause in our contract. Your administrator cannot hold you. It is a professional courtesy to give notice if you plan to resign, but there is no required hold.
I'm resigning. When does my health insurance coverage end?
If an employee resigns between the 1st and 14th of the month, coverage ends at the end of the month. If the employee resigns between the 15th and 30th, coverage ends at the end of the following month.
Do I need to submit my lesson plans weekly? Do I need to follow my admin’s lesson plan template?
Our administrators can require teachers to submit lesson plans. However, teachers can submit plans using the template and style that works best for us as professional educators. There are no specific requirements for the format of the lesson plans that we submit.
Where can I read the current NHFT contract?
Click here to read the current NHFT contract. This is a searchable document; you can use ctrl+f to search the contract by keyword(s).
How can I verify my years in New Haven?
Send an email to President Leslie Blatteau ([email protected]) and Vice President Jennifer Graves ([email protected]) to verify your date of hire.
I tested positive for COVID. What should I do?
1. Let your direct supervisor know that you have tested positive.
2. Register your sick time on AESOP/Frontline and be sure to mark COVID quarantine in your notes.
3. Follow up with your principal/supervisor and make sure they send your name and the dates you were out on five day quarantine to Lisa Mack in HR.
4. Keep an eye on sick time and take note when your days get/do not get returned. Please note that the first five days of infection (when we are required to quarantine) will be returned.
2. Register your sick time on AESOP/Frontline and be sure to mark COVID quarantine in your notes.
3. Follow up with your principal/supervisor and make sure they send your name and the dates you were out on five day quarantine to Lisa Mack in HR.
4. Keep an eye on sick time and take note when your days get/do not get returned. Please note that the first five days of infection (when we are required to quarantine) will be returned.